Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (2024)

What is Cavitation?

Cavitation is a technology that allows, thanks to low frequency ultrasonic waves, to produce microscopic bubbles in the water or interstitial fluid that surrounds the fat cells. This agitated water (as happens when we shake a bottle of champagne or champagne), causes the implosion or rupture of the cell membranes of the adipocytes or fat cells without altering the adjacent structures, respecting the integrity of the blood, lymphatic and nervous system.

Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (1)

Cavitation is a non-invasive technique (without surgery) to shape the body. Reduces body volume, eliminating cellulite and localized fat deposits in the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, arms, calves and back. It achieves highly satisfactory results from the first sessions of treatment, as long as the patient follows the instructions and protocols designed for each particular case. The results can become permanent.

The fat goes from solid to liquid. These released fats will be metabolized and eliminated naturally by the human body through the lymphatic system, venous and finally filtered by the kidney and liver. To give greater precision to the treatment and to favor the desired result, cavitation will be complemented with radiofrequency treatment.

Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (2)

What is Radio Frequency (RF)?

The RF is a technology capable of applying electromagnetic energy selectively to the deep dermis from the surface of the skin and thus be able to fight against flaccidity, body cellulite and promote the elimination of cavitated fat.

It can be bipolar or tripolar, in both cases an electric field is generated that changes from positive to negative, which causes a rotational movement of the organic molecules generating heat. When applying the energy on the skin, a resistance of our tissues to the passage of RF occurs. This resistance causes an internal elevation of tissue temperature to occur and thus the body responds in 2 different ways; with bipolar RF it generates deep heat and with the tripolar RF surface heat, which contracts the elastin and subdermal collagen fibers and thereby tightens the skin. In both cases the thermal elevation increases the blood flow in the treated area, providing more oxygen, dragging excessive liquids, toxins and in this case also the cavitated fat.

Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (3)

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a technique that is performed manually and with smooth, slow and rhythmic manipulations, which favor the elimination of fluids and toxins in the body, which will be eliminated through urine. It also directly influences the immune system, reinforcing it.

In this case, the manual lymphatic drainage plays a very important role, since by means of this technique, it allows us to eliminate more quickly the cavitated fat and thus obtain better results.

Do you know what the lymphatic system is?

See all the details of what it is and what it is for in this article on our website.


What is Vacumtherapy?

Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment that, through suction, allows us to drain adipose tissue by mobilizing localized fat to the lymphatic system and eliminate cellulite and orange peel skin.

It is usually a complement with the Cavitation technique, as long as the patient does not have a significant flaccidity problem, since through the suction through which he works, we could aggravate the problem. if that were the case, we would substitute Vacumterapia for manual lymphatic drainage

Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (5)

What benefits will I get with the treatment?

  • Loss of localized volume.
  • Dissolution of fat mass.
  • Reaffirmation of the tissue, thanks to the contraction effect of the collagen molecules, we will achieve a smoother and firmer skin.

What does the patient feel while the treatment is being applied?

With cavitation you feel a tingling and a slight buzzing in the ears. With the radiofrequency, however, the sensation is of a pleasant local heat. Vacuum therapy causes a massage sensation on the skin. The three phases last approximately one and a half hours of treatment and patients often go to sleep or at least relax. It is not an uncomfortable or painful treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

It depends on each patient, areas to be treated and the follow-up of the treatment, but between 4 and 12 sessions should be sufficient to complete the treatment.

How long does it take to see the results?

The sessions are held once or twice a week, allowing 48 hours to pass between sessions. The results are immediate. Some patients notice a reduction of up to two sizes in two or three sessions only, others take a little longer. But they all notice a substantial reduction in a relatively short time.

During the treatment, it is convenient to determine the patient’s condition so as not to take unnecessary risks. For this reason, it is advisable to previously undergo an analytical test with a study of renal and hepatic function as well as the study of lipid metabolism since during the treatment fatty acids are released in blood and lymph and if the previous levels are already high it would be convenient reduce them before undergoing treatment.

Why cavitation and RF?

Because it is effective, it does not require anesthesia and it is not invasive.

Do I need to do a maintenance?

The effect is lasting. The patient can stay for life but if the nutrition guidelines vary, a bi-monthly or quarterly maintenance may be necessary.

Are there any contraindications?

Under no circ*mstances should pregnant women or breast-feeding patients, patients with a metal prosthesis or IUD (provided it is metal) in the area to be treated, patients with a pacemaker, or patients with alterations of lipids, triglycerides or cholesterol.

Should I perform any additional treatment?

To be more effective in the treatment it is obligatory to follow the Sanza diet, the doctor will explain in what consists. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids during the entire treatment (between 1.5 and 2 liters per day), take diuretics and essential micronutrients, and in cases of very elastic skin or with little collagen, reaffirm them with specific creams.


  1. Previous body study of the patient
  2. Consulting equipment
  3. Lymphatic drainage
  4. Tracking analytics
  5. Diet

1 – Previous Body Study

Before each treatment, a patient assessment will be made, where we measure the contour of the area to be treated and the weight, in this way we make sure to keep a strict control.

2 – Aparatology

In this second phase, we will proceed to work with the appliance starting with cavitation, which will last 30 minutes. Then we will apply the Radiofrequency treatment that will also last about 30 minutes in the area to be treated. Once the cavitation and radiofrequency treatment is finished, and after the patient’s previous assessment, we will continue with Vacumterapia, as long as the patient does not have a flaccid problem. This treatment will last about 30 minutes.

3 – Lymphatic Drainage

In the case of not being able to perform the treatment with Vacumterapia, due to a problem of flaccidity in the tissue, we would apply the technique of manual lymphatic drainage, which will also last 30 minutes.

4 – Analytics

It is essential to perform analytics apart from the previous clinical history that we will perform to rule out that there is no underlying disease that contraindicates this device. After the second or third session of cavitation, we make an analytical test and evaluate the blood lipids. The analytical can do it for social, mutual or private security and is essential for a good monitoring and control of patients’ health. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat it at one month or two months after treatment.

5 – Diet

A mandatory requirement Without dietary guidelines, the extracted fat can be recovered due to the fact that the adipocytes are not eliminated from the body (as is achieved through liposuction), but that they remain in the subcutaneous tissue, but empty of fat, that is, defatted or reduced in size. These cells or adipocytes can recapture new fats if a well-coordinated dietary pattern is not followed by the responsible physician.

The diet is simple and never hunger because it is reinforced with diuretics, fiber enhancers and other essential nutrients that will always provide a well-being, in addition to being an antioxidant diet, ie anti-aging and very healthy. The pattern varies according to each patient, but it is always very simple to carry out. It includes foods specific to each patient, although we will avoid some if necessary or change them for more healthy ones. We recommend following a diet with essential nutritional supplements for a good result and comfort during two or three months of treatment.

Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage (2024)


Cavitation, radiofrequency and vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage? ›

Cavitation and radiofrequency treatment combined with vacumotherapy or lymphatic drainage is the perfect combination to remodel the body and eliminate localized fat in certain areas of the body that can not be reduced with diet or sports. It is a treatment without surgery.

Does radiofrequency help with lymphatic drainage? ›

RF improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage, helping to clear the body of toxins which increase the production of cellulite.

Does cavitation and RF really work? ›

Deep, strong RF/cavitation treatments work very well for lipolysis, collagen/elastin synthesis and circulation enhancement (much more than creams).

What is better cavitation or radiofrequency? ›


Ultrasound Cavitation uses scientifically proven non-invasive technology to break down unwanted fat whilst the radio frequency is a non-invasive heat treatment that helps tighten, contour and refine deeper lines of the skin over the face and body.

How many sessions of cavitation to see results? ›

Generally most clients start to see a difference in 3 treatments. Often time you'll see results after first session. However, between 8 and 12 sessions are needed for optimum results. The exact number of treatments will vary due to factors such as age, weight, and the area being treated.

What's best for lymphatic drainage? ›

Eat Foods That Promote Lymph Flow

Some of the best cleansing foods for the lymphatic system are: Leafy green vegetables. Low sugar fruits. Ground flaxseed.

How can I speed up my lymphatic drainage? ›

7 ways to boost your lymphatic system
  1. 1) Exercise. Winter is coming. ...
  2. 2) Chug H2O. The lymphatic system needs a good supply of fluid to wash toxins out of your cells. ...
  3. 3) Try a DIY lymphatic drainage massage. ...
  4. 4) Invest in a massage. ...
  5. 5) Use a foam roller. ...
  6. 6) Ditch your bra. ...
  7. 7) Dry brushing.
May 20, 2016

Does cavitation work on belly fat? ›

Ultrasonic cavitation works best on parts with localized fat. Such areas include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, hips, and upper arms. This procedure cannot be performed on body parts like the head, neck, and other bony areas of the body.

Does RF work on belly fat? ›

What are the results of radiofrequency lipolysis? Patients with treatment to the abdomen have averaged a reduction of just under two inches, though not all patients have a measurable, perceptible reduction.

How many pounds can you lose with fat cavitation? ›

A cavitation machine can be used to help you lose up to 5 percent of your body weight in a single session. While cavitation is an excellent option for losing fat, it is not suitable for those with underlying medical conditions.

What is the downside of radiofrequency treatment? ›

The chief concern is bleeding or infection where the probe in inserted into the body, but this is a rare occurrence. Some people experience temporary weakness or numbness, or swelling or bruising at the insertion site.

How long does RF cavitation last? ›

Although indeed RF treatments keep producing results for up to about three months, no-one will get good results with 1-4 sessions - and definitely not if they have treatment every 1-6 months. Both regularity (3/week to 1/two weeks) and multiplicity of sessions (6-12) are needed for good results.

How often should cavitation be done? ›

We recommend one session per week and not less than 3 to 12 sessions depending on the individual's desired results. A typical session lasts a maximum of 40 to 50 minutes (20 minutes of ultrasound cavitation and 20 minutes of RF) depending on the patient and the area treated.

Does fat come back after cavitation? ›

Ultrasound fat cavitation empties out your fat cells, rather than destroying them like liposuction does. The fat will almost always come back, but with fat cavitation, at least it won't appear where you least expect it. To make your results last longer, you'll need a great diet and plenty of regular exercise.

Does cavitation tighten skin? ›

Yes, Cavitation Skin Tightening treatment can be used on both the face and body to achieve firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. This cutting-edge treatment uses ultrasound technology to target and reduce stubborn areas of fat and cellulite on both the face and body.

How many inches lost with cavitation? ›

A fat cell cannot withstand this pressure and therefore disintegrates into a liquid state, making this an ideal treatment for cellulite as well as larger areas of fat. An average of 1-2 inch reduction in circumference can be achieved after a single treatment of cavitation.

What are 3 exercises for lymphatic drainage? ›

Physical activity encourages fluid to drain into the lymphatic system in the abdomen. Walking, swimming, yoga, pilates and Tai chi all might help to encourage the lymph to move. Pelvic floor exercises may also help.

What not to do before lymphatic drainage? ›

Don't Eat a Big Meal

The reason you shouldn't have a full stomach is that it can make the lymphatic massage uncomfortable. A full stomach will make it more difficult to drain the toxins from your abdomen and the organs around that area.

How do I know if my lymphatic system is clogged? ›

1) Soreness/Stiffness – If you frequently feel sore or stiff, you may have sluggish or congested lymph fluid. You may also have lingering pain or tightness that cannot be explained. 2) Headaches – Inadequate lymphatic and sinus drainage creates inflammation and pressure which causes headaches.

Does lemon water drain lymphatic system? ›

The lymphatic system requires water to flow properly. After all, lymph fluid is primarily composed of water and must be hydrated to function and flow. Drinking at least 1 litre of warm lemon water in the morning is a great way to get the lymphatic system moving to help expel toxins.

Does drinking a lot of water help with lymphatic drainage? ›

Looking After Your Lymphatic System

Drink plenty of water – Dehydration is one of the most common causes of lymphatic congestion which can further exacerbate existing lymph problems. Drinking sufficient water throughout the day encourages healthy lymphatic function and reduces water retention.

Why drink water after lymphatic drainage? ›

The other important reason why we drink water is to flush out the toxins that have been released by your massage, or 'helping the process of lymphatic drainage'. The more tension that is released during the massage, the more metabolic waste is released into your system.

How do you get the best results from fat cavitation? ›

Maintaining a low calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low sugar diet for 24 hours pre-treatment and three days post-treatment will help achieve the best results. This ensures your body utilizes the triglycerides ( a type of body fat) released by the fat cavitation process.

Is cavitation worth it? ›

It's a great spot treatment for any area of the body with pockets of fat, like the belly. You will notice immediate results after your first treatment or session. Another reason that ultrasonic fat cavitation is good for reducing stomach fat is because it's non-invasive and painless.

What to expect after fat cavitation? ›

A minimum of 20 minutes of elevated heart rate cardio exercise is required post-treatment. This is best to be done immediately after the treatment, and for three days following. This is to ensure the stored energy released by the cavitation process is burnt off. Additional steps can be taken to achieve optimum results.

Where does the fat go from RF? ›

Treatments that use radio frequency for weight loss target subcutaneous fat by releasing RF waves under the skin. The RF waves tighten tissues and increase blood circulation, which ensures that fatty deposits are drained through your lymphatic system.

At what temperature does RF melt fat? ›

The Radio Frequency energy selectively increases the temperature of the fat cells, by doing so simultaneously in deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases the metabolism and release of liquid fat from fat cells. Normal cells can support 60 degrees but fat cells start to be melted at 41 degrees.

What temperature is radiofrequency fat loss? ›

5 Therefore, the ideal fat reducing RF device would selectively heat subcutaneous fat to 43–45°C, while limiting temperature of skin surface below 43°C. The majority of RF devices on the market require the application of electrode panels to the skin.

What happens if you don't drink water after cavitation? ›

If you do not drink adequate water before and after each treatment, it will be harder for your system to remove the fat. You may notice an increase in urination after each session. Is Ultrasound Cavitation Non-Surgical “Liposuction” painful? No.

What are the dangers of cavitation? ›

What are the Lipo Cavitation Risks?
  • Bruising or Redness. After lipo cavitation treatment, bruising or redness of the skin may be noticeable within the first few hours. ...
  • Thirst. Patients may experience an increase in thirst following the procedure. ...
  • Skin Sensitivity. ...
  • Skin Irregularities. ...
  • Headaches.
Jun 20, 2021

Who should not do body cavitation? ›

The procedure is not recommended for individuals below the age of 18 years. Pregnant women, as well as epileptic individuals, should refrain from undertaking this procedure. Individuals with conditions such as blood pressure, diabetes and cancer should not use Ultra cavitation treatment.

What is the danger of radiofrequency? ›

Exposure to very high RF intensities can result in heating of biological tissue and an increase in body temperature. Tissue damage in humans could occur during exposure to high RF levels because of the body's inability to cope with or dissipate the excessive heat that could be generated.

Does radiofrequency affect the heart? ›

Changes in heart rate and altered response of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system have also been reported following exposure to radiofrequency radiation.

How much does radio frequency treatment cost? ›

RF microneedling costs about $900 per treatment on average, but the price fluctuates based on where you live and where on your body you decide to get it done.

What should I avoid after RF cavitation? ›

Avoid heating the treatment area for a minimum of 48 hours after treatment or while heat remains in the skin. This includes physical activity, saunas, hot bath/shower, alcohol etc.

Can ultrasonic cavitation cause blood clots? ›

UAL Causes Blood Clots

Internal UAL produces heat and elevates the temperature of targeted fatty tissue. However, it can also increase the temperature within the blood vessels that supply the overlying skin. Elevation of the temperature within blood vessels causes blood clots within the vessels.

What should I eat after cavitation? ›

To achieve optimal results a low calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat and low sugar diet 24hrs pre and post treatment will ensure your body utilizes the fats released by the fat cavitation process. For best results, this diet should be followed ongoing.

Can cavitation go wrong? ›

In some cases, the skin won't absorb the fat evenly after it breaks down. Lumps, bumps, and valleys on your skin can appear after ultrasonic cavitation treatment. These skin irregularities may be resolved by followup treatments.

Do you lose weight with cavitation? ›

Fat cavitation is a safe, non-invasive weight loss treatment that helps to sculpt your figure and enhance your silhouette by reducing stubborn pockets of fat without the need for invasive surgery, such as liposuction.

What is the difference between cavitation and radiofrequency? ›

Ultrasonic Cavitation also known as Ultrasound Liposuction and Ultra Cavitation is a non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses scientifically proven non-invasive technology to break down unwanted fat whilst the radio frequency is a non-invasive heat treatment that helps tighten, contour and refine deeper lines of ...

What not to do after body cavitation? ›

Refrain from caffeine for 3-4 days prior to your treatment and for 48 hours after treatment. Avoid eating 2 hours prior and 1 hour after your treatment. Refrain from aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory products for 2 days prior and after your treatment.

What are the do's and don ts after cavitation? ›

Drink at least 2 liters of water before your treatment and another 2 liters in the day after your treatment (soft drink, soda, juice or tea is not water). You should not eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after treatment. Do not drink ANY alcohol or caffeine in the day of treatment of 48hrs after.

Does cavitation break up scar tissue? ›

The cavitation effect can help to break down scar tissue and adhesions. It also helps to increase blood flow and the release of pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins and serotonin.

Can cavitation cause sagging skin? ›

Shiseido discovered that sagging is caused by cavitation of the dermal layer associated with aging. The mechanism of sagging has finally been disclosed! Human beings experience a decline in various physical functions with age, such as in the muscles and bones.

How long does it take to see results from body cavitation? ›

Although most practices that offer ultrasonic cavitation claim you'll see results after the first session, they also caution that between 8 and 12 sessions are needed for optimum results. The exact number of treatments needed will vary due to factors such as age, weight, and the area being treated.

Is cavitation good for cellulite? ›

The Cavitation & RF technology is widely recognized as the most effective treatment for cellulite and reduction of localized fat. It is a non-invasive treatment – without scalpel, which targets to the degradation of fat cells and assures the fast circumference reduction immediately after the first session.

What does radio frequency do to your body? ›

Exposure to very high RF intensities can result in heating of biological tissue and an increase in body temperature. Tissue damage in humans could occur during exposure to high RF levels because of the body's inability to cope with or dissipate the excessive heat that could be generated.

How do I know if I need to drain my lymphatic system? ›

1) Soreness/Stiffness – If you frequently feel sore or stiff, you may have sluggish or congested lymph fluid. You may also have lingering pain or tightness that cannot be explained. 2) Headaches – Inadequate lymphatic and sinus drainage creates inflammation and pressure which causes headaches.

Does radiofrequency melt fat? ›

Radiofrequency lipolysis is a procedure which uses a radio frequency to heat the fat without an instrument making physical contact with the patient.

Does vibration massage help lymphatic drainage? ›

The vibrations speed up your metabolism, increase muscle movement, improve circulation and promote optimal lymph drainage. There is a significant volume of scientific evidence, such as this study, that proves the use of vibration therapy for lymphatic drainage.

What is radio frequency for belly fat? ›

Radiofrequency is often used by dermatologists on patients who have areas of excessive fat on their bodies. It involves applying controlled heat on your fat cells, causing them to die without affecting the surrounding muscle or skin.

What are the side effects of radiofrequency? ›

The most common side effects are pain, swelling, and redness. In some cases, particularly with at-home treatments, individuals may burn their skin from overexposure. However, this risk is minimized when a person uses a qualified practitioner to perform the procedure.

Does drinking water drain lymphatic system? ›

Drink plenty of water – Dehydration is one of the most common causes of lymphatic congestion which can further exacerbate existing lymph problems. Drinking sufficient water throughout the day encourages healthy lymphatic function and reduces water retention.

What foods detox the lymphatic system? ›

Here are 10 foods to incorporate into your diet to boost the lymphatic system:
  • Water.
  • Cranberry.
  • Leafy greens.
  • Nuts and seeds (like Chia Seeds)
  • Adaptogens like Ashwagandha or Mushroom.
  • Garlic.
  • Ginger.
  • Turmeric.
Jan 3, 2020

Where does fat go after radio frequency? ›

Vanquish fat removal heats up fat cells without harming the surrounding skin or muscle tissues. This is accomplished through radiofrequency waves. Once the fat cells have died, the body naturally eliminates them through its waste system.

Does cavitation destroy fat cells? ›

Does it destroy fat cells? Yes, this process is called lipolysis. Fat cells are both destroyed as ultrasonic waves cause cavitation which is rapid oscillating sound pressure waves that create microbubbles that can selectively damage the fat cell membrane.

What not to do after lymphatic drainage massage? ›

Aftercare advice for Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  1. Loosen tight clothing to encourage the lymph flow.
  2. Increase your water intake over the next few days after your treatment.
  3. Reduce your caffeine intake.
  4. Avoid hot baths, saunas etc, for at least a couple of hours.
  5. Avoid alcohol for 24 hours.
  6. try to reduce smoking (if you smoke)

Who shouldn't do lymphatic drainage massage? ›

However, people with certain conditions should not receive a lymphatic drainage massage as they may complicate their conditions: Heart condition. Kidney failure. Blood clots.

What are the disadvantages of lymphatic drainage massage? ›

Few people have negative reactions to lymphatic drainage massage. Some people, however, complain of headaches, nausea and fatigue. When that happens, you should ask your healthcare provider about managing your side effects.


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